Facilities Strategic Planning

The Boise Public Library aspires to be where everyone in Boise goes to grow. The Library is developing a Facilities Plan to help us ensure that all our Libraries are welcoming, accessible, attractive, and comfortable spaces for the entire community. Building on the Strategic Plan created in 2023, the Facilities Plan will make recommendations for how the Library’s buildings could be improved over the next 10-20 years, bringing to life Library spaces that all Boise residents love to visit and use.

Take the Survey

Your input and ideas were critical to developing our strategic plan and will again be essential to helping us create Library spaces that support the needs and culture of our community. Opportunities for community input will be happening online and around Boise throughout September 2024. Join our newsletter mailing list to hear about upcoming activities and events!

Strategic Priority:

Expand Access Graphic Representation
Make our collections, programs, and services available when, where, and how people want them.

The Boise Public Library is here to serve each of the more than 240,000 residents in our rapidly growing community. Boise includes people from a wide range of income levels, belief systems, and world  views. The Library provides opportunities for every member of our community to learn and grow. 

Boiseans see the collections - such as our books, videos, games and magazines - as the cornerstone of the Library and want materials to reflect the growing diversity of Boise. This includes voices by and for marginalized groups, linguistically diverse communities, and immigrants and refugees. Boise residents want comfortable, safe, and attractive spaces to gather and learn. They want staff to be approachable and responsive. Community members value being close to a liberty location and want to see equitable access across the city. To reach more residents and those who need it most, Boiseans require better information about Library services. 


  • Ensure that every community member has access to library materials in a format that works for them. 
  • Create library spaces that are accessible and welcoming to all. 
  • Increase the number of people who are aware of and benefit from the variety of services the Library provides.