Writer-in-Residence Program

The Cabin, the Boise Public Library, and the Boise City Department of Arts & History invites emerging and mid-career writers to apply for a six-month residency in Boise. 

This program is designed to connect local writers to the community of Boise through literary public programming events hosted monthly at Boise Public Library branches and the Erma Hayman House.

The selected Residents are responsible for developing and facilitating a series of public programs and will receive a $5000 stipend to support their creative work, and to develop these programs. The public programs may included themed or open writing workshops, reading series, writing explorations or other literary experiences. 

The goal of this Residency is to:

  • Support local emerging and mid-career writers in their creative practice.
  • Provide free and accessible literary programs to the community.
  • Raise awareness of the services and programs of the Cabin, the Boise Public Library and the Boise City Department of Arts and History.


2023/2024 Writers-in-Residence

Natalie Disney

October 2023 - March 2024

Natalie Disney earned her MFA in creative writing from Boise State University, where she served as Associate Editor of The Idaho Review. Her work has been published in The Florida Review and The Mississippi Review and has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and the PEN America Short Story Prize for Emerging Writers. She is a recipient of the 2017 Balch Award for fiction. Natalie teaches creative writing at Boise State University and The Cabin Center for Readers and Writers. She lives near the Boise foothills with her wife, where she is at work on her first novel.

Heidi Kraay

April - September 2024

Heidi Kraay is a playwright and writer across disciplines whose work collides myth, metaphor, and monsters to discover connections across differences. Her work has been presented locally, regionally, and internationally, including full-lengths, co-devised projects, one-acts, plays for young audiences, and shorts. Projects in other disciplines include 2 Lifetimes: A Century Cycle, a memoir-adjacent book of essays in the ancient century form forthcoming through Modern Mythographer, and Drown to Resurface, an album of poem-songs in collaboration with musician Thomas Paul. She holds an MFA in Creative Inquiry and Interdisciplinary Arts from the California Institute of Integral Studies, and is a proud member of the Dramatists Guild of America through which she is beginning the Dramatists Guild Institute’s Certificate Program. Learn more at heidikraay.com